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10 Things You Can Do In 2024 To Improve Your Machine Embroidery Projects

As the year winds down, it's the perfect time to rev up your machine embroidery skills. In this post, I am going to share ten actionable steps you can take to elevate and improve your machine embroidery projects in the New Year.

1. Organize Your Workspace:
embroidery tools

A tidy workspace is a creative haven. Before diving into new projects, declutter your embroidery space. Organize threads, sort needles, tidy up bobbins, and arrange your tools. An organized space sets the stage for smooth, stress-free embroidery sessions.

2. Update Your Stash: 
embroidery thread

Treat yourself to some fresh supplies! Stock up on threads, stabilizers, needles, and any other essentials you might be running low on. Perhaps snag a few new thread colors or splurge on specialty threads you've been eyeing. Having a well-stocked arsenal ensures you're ready for any project that comes your way.

3. Review Past Projects: 
embroidered napkins

Take a trip down memory lane and revisit your past embroidery projects. Reflect on what worked well and what could have been better. Did you encounter any recurring issues? Use these insights to fine-tune your techniques and improve future creations.

4. Set Specific Goals: 

Outline your embroidery goals for the upcoming year. Whether it's mastering a new stitch, learning digitizing, or completing a certain number of projects, setting clear and achievable goals gives direction to your embroidery journey.

5. Learn a New Technique: 

Challenge yourself with a new embroidery technique or stitch like a knockdown stitch or how to use offsets and outlines. Dive into tutorials online or take a course learn something fresh. Maybe it's exploring appliqué or delving into freestanding lace. Broadening your skill set adds depth and versatility to your projects.

6. Create a Sample Book: 

Make a handy reference guide by creating a sample book of different stitches, thread types, and stitch densities. This is on my to-do list for 2024! John Deer's Embroidery Legacy has a great video on how to do this with Design Doodler software. I'm planning to create a post about how to do this with Hatch, so stay tuned! A personalized reference guide is invaluable when planning future projects.

7. Experiment with Fabric: 

Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with new fabrics. Try embroidering on different textures like denim, linen, canvas, and leather. Understanding how different fabrics interact with embroidery can open up a whole new realm of creative possibilities.

8. Document Your Projects:

Start a project journal or create a digital portfolio to document your embroidery journey. Include details like designs used, materials, techniques, and any lessons learned. Not only does this serve as a personal record, but it also helps track progress and sparks ideas for future projects.

9. Make Maintaining Your Embroidery Machine A Priority: 
Brother PE535 embroidery machine

Now that we are past the holiday rush, now is a great time to service your embroidery machine to make sure we are running in tip-top shape in 2024. Make it a priority to regularly maintain your embroidery machine and tools. Create a schedule for cleaning, oiling, and servicing your machine. A well-maintained machine ensures smoother stitching and prolongs its lifespan.

10. Reflect and Celebrate: 

Finally, take a moment to reflect on your growth as an embroiderer throughout the year. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small. Embrace the lessons learned from challenges and mistakes—they're all part of the embroidery adventure!

As the new year begins, these steps can help you set the stage for an even more exciting and creative year ahead! Cheers to stitching success!

Happy stitching!


Beth Gracie

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